Our Initiatives.
What to expect
As an Open and Affirming church, Hope United Church strives to make all people feel welcome. We come from a variety of faith backgrounds, from Catholic to Southern Baptist to Buddhist to none. Our music is passionate, soulful and inspiring. We celebrate communion every Sunday, and our services are about an hour and 15 minutes long. Check us out on YouTube to see what we mean.
Mission Oriented.
As a mission-oriented church, we have covenanted to give 10% of all money collected through our general fund offering to outside causes, splitting it between denominational support and local support (given through The Caring Place in Georgetown).
Mission of the Month.
In addition to these gifts, we designate a Mission of the Month to support. We have provided mentors, school supplies, and we’ve given to The Literacy Council of Williamson County, Meals on Wheels of Williamson County, the Hope Alliance, and the Boys and Girls Club of Georgetown. We’ve also supported various missions throughout our world, including Back Bay Mission, the Southwest Good Samaritan Home, the Disciple’s Week of Compassion and the UCC’s One Great Hour of Sharing. And we have supported the Pentecost Offering which helps with new church starts & evangelism. Check out our latest mission below!
Youth Ministry.
At Hope United Church, we want to make sure all folks, including our children, feel welcome, creating safe space where they can explore, grow and learn about the love of Jesus. Through making crafts, singing songs and even playing games, we help our children connect with the Word in a way that encourages them to grow in faith, while having fun along the way. Not only do our children learn about the love of Jesus; they also learn to love one another and reach out in service.
We offer Sunday School during our worship services, 10 am every Sunday. Have questions? Contact us for more information!